Cruise ship passengers unwittingly rack up gambling debt

Carnival Cruise Ship Photo: Carnival Thousands of cruise passengers, including some New Zealanders, could be included in a class action against cruise line companies over their lax onboard gambling rules. The Australian law firm leading the action, Carter Capner Law, says some passengers who could not afford to settle their bills had been “unlawfully detained”.…

Bruno Mars does NOT have $50 million gambling balance with MGM, casino says 'any speculation otherwise is completely false Descubra a emoção nas apostas com Dornbirner SV – – Oficjalny Portal Gminy Brzesko

Bruno Mars does NOT have $50 million gambling balance with MGM, casino says ‘any speculation otherwise is completely false Descubra a emoção nas apostas com Dornbirner SV –  Oficjalny Portal Gminy Brzesko Read the original article here