Catholic organizations seek debt relief to face pandemic crisis – Union of Catholic Asian News

Catholic social justice organizations have again sought debt cancellation and financial support for underdeveloped nations to face the Covid-19 crisis. The global Catholic network for development and solidarity, also known as CIDSE, urged the leading nations to face the health crisis with cooperation and solidarity. In a statement ahead of the virtual G-20 Finance Ministers…

Biden is already backtracking on his promises to provide student debt relief – The Guardian

At his recent town hall, Joe Biden made a series of convoluted and condescending comments about American student debt. His remarks cast doubt on his ability, or willingness, to confront this countrys ballooning student loan crisis. Within hours, #cancelstudentdebt was trending on Twitter. Bidens rambling justification of the status quo was peppered with straw men,…

A new policy to help the world’s poorest countries manage debt vulnerabilities – World Bank Group

Countries eligible to borrow from the International Development Association (IDA)the World Banks fund for the poorest countriesentered the COVID-19 crisis already facing elevated debt levels and weak fiscal positions. The pandemic is now placing enormous pressure on these countries to finance additional expenditures for relief and recovery amid shrinking fiscal revenues and limited access to…

Downgrade fears will deter countries from joining G20 debt relief framework – World Bank – Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Fears of credit rating downgrades will deter the worlds poorest countries from taking advantage of debt relief being offered under the G20 common framework, World Bank chief economist Carmen Reinhart said. In November, the G20 group of major economies launched a framework designed to streamline a process to help countries defer or negotiate down their…