Why does the Universities Accord final report suggest repaying HELP debt on a marginal rate – a % of income above the threshold, rather than all income? – Andrew Norton

One quirk of the HELP repayment system is that, on reaching each repayment threshold, the debtor pays a % of their entire income. England and New Zealand followed Australia in creating income contingent student loans. But their repayment systems are based on a % of their income above the threshold – they have marginal rate…

Debt Relief for Poor Countries Could Provide Clean Drinking Water to 17 Million People, Study Shows

Reducing debt payments for the world’s poorest countries to more manageable levels could dramatically improve access to education and clean water, potentially allowing 5 million more children to attend school and providing clean drinking water to 17 million people, according to a recent study. Research conducted by academics at the universities of St Andrews and…

‘Before, after and in class’: teachers say they are grappling with a growing gambling problem in Australian schools | Gambling

Addiction to gambling and other harmful products such as vaping is affecting children’s ability to learn and concentrate at school during a critical time in their brain development, the CEO of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, Dr Chris Duncan, has warned. “I’m teaching many kids with chronic mental health issues related…

ESG in emerging markets sovereign debt

[3520359] The views expressed represent the investment team’s assessment of the market environment as of May 2024, and should not be considered a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell any security, and should not be relied on as research or investment advice. Views are subject to change without notice. This market commentary has been prepared for…