To help debt-stricken Himachal govt, CM Sukhu’s principal advisor forgoes salary till end of fiscal year | Chandigarh News

In view of the strained financial situation of the Himachal Pradesh government, Principal Advisor (Innovation, Digital Technologies and Governance) to Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, Gokul Butail has voluntarly decided not to draw his monthly salary of Rs 2.5 lakh until the end of the 2024-25 fiscal year. Butail will only accept an honorarium of…

Labor to wipe $3b from students’ HECS debt

Three million graduates will have their student loans reduced by an average of $1200 in next week’s budget, but not have any extra money in their pockets. However, in an unrelated move, hundreds of thousands will also be financially better off when repayment thresholds to student loans are changed on July 1. Loading… Read the…

HECS: how much your debt is increasing by

Key Points More than three million Australians have been hit with an increase to their student loan debt due to indexation. The education minister has told students the increase will drop due to forthcoming legislation. But there have been calls for the government to change indexation so it’s not applied on amounts already repaid. More…

Debt Impacting Your Mental Health? Here’s What to Do About It

For many Americans, debt is more than just a financial issue: it’s a problem with far-reaching health and social implications. Research suggests that rising debt and worries about financial security are related to heightened levels of psychological distress, which in turn leads to adverse health outcomes such as heart disease, immunosuppression, emotional exhaustion and even…