Holy See renews call for debt cancellation for small island nations – CathNews

Archbishop Gabriele Caccia (Holy See Mission) The Holy Sees Permanent Observer to the United Nations has urged the international community to help Small Island Developing States through concrete efforts, which can include debt relief and debt cancellation. Source: Vatican News. My delegation calls upon all member states to reaffirm their commitment to the sustainable development…

The good news is the government plans to cancel $3 billion in student debt. The bad news is indexation will still be high – The Conversation

Every year on June 1, student debt in Australia is indexed to inflation. In 2023, high inflation pushed the indexation rate to 7.1%, the highest since 1990. This year, if there is no policy change, student debt balances will be increased by 4.7%. After sustained community pressure to change the way debts are indexed, the…