Black And Minority Farmers Will Receive $4 Billion In Debt Relief. For Some, It’s A Lifeline. For Others, Too Little, Too Late. – Forbes

Kale grows in a field in Mississippi, U.S. 2020 Bloomberg Finance LP Betty Chenier, aged 60, grows potatoes, watermelon, kale, collards, and other vegetables, and raises chickens, hogs and cattle on her 50-acre farm, selling her produce at a farmers market in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Betty and her husband, John, bought their current farm in…

OPINION: American Jobs Plan needs to include student debt relief – The Oracle

With almost 35% of USF Tampas undergraduate students stuck with over $30,000 in loan debt after getting a bachelors degree and many Americans struggling through the pandemic, student debt relief should be a top priority for the Biden administration. SPECIAL TO THE ORACLE/FLICKR/InvestmentZen The American Jobs Plan, which is President Joe Bidens first major infrastructure…