All qualifying North Carolina hospitals joining debt-relief

NC Gov. Roy Cooper says nearly 100 hospitals have agreed to participate in a first-of-its-kind initiative that could help low- and middle-income patients. RALEIGH, N.C. — All qualifying North Carolina hospitals have agreed to participate in a first-of-its-kind initiative that will give them higher Medicaid payments if the medical debt of low- and middle-income patients…

Two million North Carolinians could benefit as hospitals sign on to debt forgiveness program • NC Newsline

Gov. Roy Cooper announced Monday that 2 million North Carolinians will have their medical debt forgiven after all the state’s 99 acute hospitals signed up for a landmark program designed to wipe out debt for low- and middle-income patients.   The announcement comes after last month’s federal approval of the Cooper administration’s plan to forgive…

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Online inducements leading to riskier gambling – Betting companies exploiting loophole, targeting people in debt

Betting companies are taking advantage of weak advertising and consumer protection laws to offer inducements that encourage riskier bets and are cynically targeting people with gambling problems through tailored, personalised marketing. Inducements are insidiously packaged so a customer feels they are taking a ‘safer bet’, when research shows it actually leads to more intense betting…

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