3 Colleges That Help You Handle Student Debt – CBS19.tv KYTX

With collective U.S. student loan debt nearing $1.5 trillion, some colleges are testing innovative solutions to help reduce student borrowing. Using no-strings-attached student loan payoff-assistance programs, college loan alternatives and annual student debt letters, these three universities are doing their part to curb college debt. 1. University of Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh is offering…

3 Colleges That Help You Handle Student Debt – WHAS11.com

With collective U.S. student loan debt nearing $1.5 trillion, some colleges are testing innovative solutions to help reduce student borrowing. Using no-strings-attached student loan payoff-assistance programs, college loan alternatives and annual student debt letters, these three universities are doing their part to curb college debt. 1. University of Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh is offering…

3 Colleges That Help You Handle Student Debt – WTSP.com

With collective U.S. student loan debt nearing $1.5 trillion, some colleges are testing innovative solutions to help reduce student borrowing. Using no-strings-attached student loan payoff-assistance programs, college loan alternatives and annual student debt letters, these three universities are doing their part to curb college debt. 1. University of Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh is offering…