Is Singapore’s Debt Consolidation Plan Working? Household Debt Data Shows Mixed Signals – The Independent

In 2017, the Monetary Authority of Singapore introduced a new financial instrument called debt consolidation plan (DCP) to help consumers rein in their bloating debt problem. Essentially, this was meant to help individual borrowers combine their high interest loans into one that could be gradually managed down over 1 to 10 years. But, it also…

Education Dept.’s mishandling of student debt relief claims creating headaches for applicants – Washington Post

Betsy DeVoss Education Department has mistakenly kicked student loan borrowers out of forbearance. (Ted S. Warren/AP) Chad Godfroy has saved every email from the U.S. Department of Education since submitting an application in 2015 to have his federal student loans cancelled. Despite the continued wait, Godfroy, 38, took comfort in knowing his payments would be postponed as long…

Education Dept.’s mishandling of student debt relief claims creating headaches for applicants – Washington Post

Betsy DeVoss Education Department has mistakenly kicked student loan borrowers out of forbearance. (Ted S. Warren/AP) Chad Godfroy has saved every email from the U.S. Department of Education since submitting an application to have his federal student loans cancelled in 2015. Despite the continued wait, Godfroy, 38, took comfort in knowing his payments would be postponed as…

Key benefits of good debt –

Wed, 07 Mar 2018 11:52 AM Credit: Supplied.     Despite the negative connotations often associated with debt being bad for consumers, when used responsibly, debt can add significant value by helping consumers manage their financial affairs and progress in life. Lynette Kloppers, FNB Premier CEO, says the ongoing debate around what makes good or bad debt…