Payday loan companies ‘hounding’ homeless teenagers and pushing them into debt, charity warns – The Independent

Unscrupulous payday loan companies are pushing debt onto homeless teenagers including those with learning difficulties, and hounding them for repayment, a charity has warned. A 19-year-old with learning difficulties was among those bombarded with aggressive text messages demanding he pay up, the youth homelessness charity Centrepoint said. Despite Centrepoint staff estimating that the Bradford teenager had…

Aussie Unis Hit Back At Government’s HELP Debt Proposals: Find Out What Yours Had To Say – Student Edge (blog)

Back in May, the Governments offered some suggestions to cut student debt from its current standing at $42 billion. They included lowering the individual HELP repayment threshold from $54,126 to around $40,000 and conducting a household means test (incorporating not just your income but potentially those you live with, such as parents or partners) to…