Bernie Sanders on Puerto Rico Neglect: Do You Think This Would Be Happening in Westchester County? – The Intercept

On March 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed a law granting U.S. citizenship to the residents of Puerto Rico. But 101 years later, the federal government, by abandoning the island in the wake of a crippling debt crisis and an even more devastating hurricane, is treating Puerto Ricans like citizens in name only. Washingtons failure…

Ameritech Financial Encourages First-Generation College Students to Persevere in the Face of Debt – PR Newswire (press release)

ROHNERT PARK, Calif., March 2, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The benefits of having a college degree, not the least of which include increased earnings potential for college graduates, have been well-documented. First-generation students may be especially excited to see increased earnings in their future and to experience that social mobility. However, because of the high costs…