Brown To Eliminate Loans To Help Students Graduate With Less Debt – HuffPost

Brown University announced Thursday that it will no longer provide loans, only grants, in an effort to help students graduate with less debt. Starting in the fall of 2018, all students who receive financial aid from the Ivy League university will recei… Read the full article at:

New Senate report backs national farm debt mediation scheme – Farm Weekly

A SENATE inquiry into primary production financial lending has made 27 recommendations aimed at enhancing farmers powers and rights in sensitive areas like debt mediation and farm foreclosures. The six-month examination by the Senate select committee was Co-chaired by One Nation Queensland Senator and party leader Pauline Hanson, former One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts and…

Cessnock Region Care offers Christians Against Poverty debt counselling service – Cessnock Advertiser

Leading debt counselling organisation Christians Against Poverty is now offering its free debt help service in Cessnock, thanks to the collaborative efforts of five local churches. New Vine Vineyards Church, the Salvation Army Church, The Vines Community Church, Cessnock Congregational Church and Beyond Church (formerly Hope Valley) have partnered form Cessnock Region Care, which will facilitate the debt…