Over 100000 users join LoanGifting to fight student debt, in just one month – PR Newswire (press release)

LoanGifting allows student debtors to connect with their extended network of friends, family and employers to help pay down student debt. This fintech solution allows payment to be made direct to a student debtor’s loan, streamlining the repayment process and providing greater relevance to loan holders than 401k contributions for those employed. For the millions…

Puerto Rico needs federal relief and financial support, not lectures from ‘king of debt’ Trump – Business Insider

President Donald Trumps visit to Puerto Rico on Tuesday showed a deep disconnect between his vision of the federal disaster response to the territorys devastation after Hurricane Maria and the reality being reported on the ground. Beyond his odd insistence that everything is going great, Trumps lecturing tone struck a nerve. He actually had the gall…