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Navigating student loan challenges with insights and debt relief options for veterans – Daily Emerald

The landscape of student loans has shifted dramatically, especially in Oregon, where many borrowers report feeling overwhelmed by the changes. The transition from COVID-era forbearance has left countless individuals scrambling to understand new repayment structures. In particular, veterans may face additional challenges due to distinct financial circumstances. That’s why exploring debt relief options for veterans…

GOP Student-Loan Plans: Ax the SAVE Plan, Reduce Debt Relief

GOP lawmakers compiled a list of ideas to help shape the budget this year. The ideas included rescinding Biden’s student-debt relief efforts, including the SAVE plan. Republicans have also proposed ideas that have bipartisan support, like ending interest capitalization. President Donald Trump and the new Republican-controlled Congress could make major changes for millions of student-loan…

3 reasons to pursue debt relief this February

It’s hard to keep your head above water when dealing with high-rate debt, so pursuing debt relief now is a wise move. Getty Images Debt is a reality that many Americans face and recent data paints a sobering picture. As of late 2024, consumer debt had reached an all-time high, with credit card balances accounting…