Will a new financial advice body actually work? For all our sakes, let’s hope so – Spectator.co.uk (blog)

Consolidation. Its a word used widely in financial circles. Consolidation of debt (translation: combining lots of different credit cards into one seemingly simple yet unmanageable whole). Consolidation of assets (translation: combining liabilities into one seemingly simple yet unmanageable whole). You get my drift. So, consolidation is not always a good thing. I wonder if this…

Here’s How China Plans to Cut Its Massive Corporate Debt Pile – Fortune

China unveiled guidelines on Monday to reduce rising corporate debt levels which some analysts fear could destabilize the worlds second-largest economy. The government will take a multi-pronged approach to cutting company debt, including encouraging mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies, debt-to-equity swaps and debt securitization, according to guidelines issued by State Council, or the cabinet. Corporate China…