Puerto Rican Debt Holders Respond to Catastrophic Hurricane by Offering Puerto Rico More Debt – The Intercept

Puerto Rico, facing absolute devastation after Hurricane Maria barreled through last week, desperately needs immediate funding to restore critical infrastructure, particularly its hobbled electric grid. The entire island home to over 3.5 million American citizens, roughly equivalent to the state of Connecticut lost power, and satellite imagery shows how little electricity has come back. This…

Puerto Rico begs for help after Hurricane Maria caused a ‘humanitarian crisis’ – NEWS.com.au

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump is finally tweeting about hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico but his message has sparked outrage among residents struggling with the devastation. Hurricane Maria slammed into the US territory of 3.4 million people last week, the most powerful hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in almost 90 years, destroying homes and knocking out power. Amid…

Debt Solutions – MoneySavingExpert

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